Monday, June 05, 2006

GPoD: 6.5.2006

Who's peeking in my study window?


Stuart said...

what a lovely view out of the window, in a few years the hedge will be the right height to keep unwanted eyes out and a active son in.

David and Sarah said...

That's what we're hoping, actually. But at the rate it's growing, it won't be that high until he's old enough to drive. :|

Stuart said...

Might need some interplanting but I think it will grow quite quickly, the trees all look as though they are growing well apart from the two above Graham.

David and Sarah said...

We transplanted the whole lot (sixteen in all, I think) from the back woods when we first moved in two years ago. Some of them were pretty scrawny, but they're catching up.

Women of Five Oaks Hudson said...

oh Sarah, I just LOVE this picture!! :) YOu are such a lovely Mommy :)
