Wednesday, November 12, 2008

GBI Pod 11.12.2008

Bea and Inga are three months old today! As of last Thursday, Bea weighed 8'3 and Inga weighed 7'1.


Bop Gaga said...

They're all so, so cute!!! We're so anxious to see everyone again. The girls are really growing. We love you all.
Bop and Gaga

Stuart said...

Ok I have to ask after 3 months I still cant work out from the photos which is which. I think in these photos Bea is the one in the Flowery top, please tell me Im correct.

David and Sarah said...

Sorry, Stuart, that's Inga. You can tell her apart because 1) her cheeks aren't as chubby as Bea's, and 2) she has a red mark in the middle of her upper lip (Sarah calls it a stork bite).

Stuart said...

I see the mark now on the lip but how long will that last?

Glad that you are all doing well.

Rachel said...

Oh dear; I had them backwards, too. So much for my hope that five years from now I'll still be able to tell them apart if I can't even do it now!

btw, LOVE the pic of them all bundled up with just the tops of their little hats sticking out! (Nice hats, too!)

Congratulations on having a pair of full-sized infants.

the Jipps said...

The girls are looking so strong, healthy, and beautiful!! I am so anxious to see them in person!!!