Sunday, October 16, 2005

Here you see a photo of our new secret weapon in the war against infant insomnia. This was a great find--on eBay, nonetheless--the Fisher Price Ocean Wonders Aquarium. It has little plastic fish that swim around in a tank of water with lights and quiet, gentle music. Very mesmerizing, apparently. It keeps him quiet for about five minutes; then we have to go back into the room as quietly as ever can be and turn it back on. The photo is a little blurry here because the room is almost pitch-black and the camera is set to the slowest possible shutter speed. Ssshhh... Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Scott Williams said...

The Lord has blessed Amanda and I. Olivia whaazz from 10pm-12midnight, and then sleeps more or less for 4-6 hours straight! Of course, she has been sleeping in our bed; and of particular note she always seems to wiggle her way over to Amanda's side of the bed. "she knows who feeds her," saith Amanda.