Sunday, October 16, 2005

A Walk in the Park

Today we took Graham for a hike at the Eno State Park. It was a beautiful fall day--the sort of day that makes one almost forget one isn't in Minnesota any more--and we were intrepid hikers. We packed water and granola (cruchy folk that we are) and hit the trail for a brisk hike of several miles along the river. Unfortunately, we didn't reckon on Graham's bladder. I was carrying him in his Snuggly, when all of a sudden I felt a warm, moist sensation spreading spreading slowly across my torso. This at the furtherst point in our trek from the car. Needless to say, the return hike was a good deal more vigorous than the first leg. Graham slept through the entire adventure, an impish grin fixed on his little face. Gotcha, dad.


Anonymous said...

Ooh, it is a beautiful day... just wish time would allow me to go for a long walk in the marvelous outdoors with my sweetheart. We're in Law School -- well, he is -- and the basement of the library has us trapped today.

I love you guys... Graham looks so nice; can't wait to hold him. I'll even risk a damp stomach :)

Anonymous said...

Where's the bottom half of the electric tower?

David and Sarah said...

Ah, yes. Well, I started to airbrush the tower and the power lines out of the picture because, well, it doesn't do much for the view now, does it? But it was such tedious going that I soon realized that I had much better things to do. So I posted it as is, thinking it more interesting this way. A real eye-catcher, once you notice it.

Anonymous said...

D -- you already did the hard part of the airbrushing... now just click on the blue and copy it over the power lines in the sky! Silly man...

David and Sarah said...

E--Actually, the sky is the hard part because there's color gradient and those silly lines require detailed attention. Much too much work...

Scott Williams said...

Wow-- I will definitely keep this "gotcha Dad" lesson in my mind. Olivia shall wear diapers until she only uses the toilet!

David and Sarah said...

The scary thing is that he was wearing a diaper. His bladder was so full it topped the levy, so to speak.