Sunday, November 30, 2008

Graham Feeds the Babies

Graham Feeds the Babies from David Fink on Vimeo.


Scott and Emily: said...

Excellent technique, Graham! My favorite is the double-burp. I'll have to take lessons from Sarah (or maybe G) on feeding and burping :)

Scott and Emily: said...

Wow...get the boy a baseball and BB gun quickly!


Josh Fink said...

Seriously! I don't know about graham playing with dolls!

L M said...

Awww... forget the nay-sayers, that was WAAAAY cute. And Ella fell for him, being all masculine and fatherly (okay ignore the nursing and the "just like mama" and he was masculine and fatherly).

Ella's now joining the Graham fan club. She kept asking to see more videos. So, today we watched "Graham as a daddy" three times and "Graham unplugged" once. Graham is her new favorite "TV" show.

(Since we don't have T.V., we watch shows online.)