Here is our new ride. We bought it on Saturday from a wholesaler in Tinton Falls, NJ. That's right: New Jersey. Sarah has been pining for a VW Passat wagon to serve as her mommymobile ever since Graham came into existence. We found a great deal this last week, and I flew up to take possession on Saturday. It was a long ride home, but I certainly put the car through its paces as we sloshed through the remains of Tropical Storm Ernesto. I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship.
And congratulations to the Finks on the nice new ride! Sarah has long been a VW sort of gal :)
Your new car is looking nice, however may I remind you that parking in car parks for the next few weeks is not recomended, in my experience that is (see http://clark-uk.blogspot.com/2006/04/nwe-cars-and-other-people.html as a reminder). Hoever I hope that that doent happen to you.
Nice walking by the way Graham time to start running riot me thinks
ps whats with the German headings to all of your blogs at the moment or is it just the case of Drive German Think German. If so remeber that the beach towels need to go on the Garden seats fairly early then
It did happen to us--today, in fact. Sarah was parked at the store, and when she came out, there was a lovely new dent in the passenger-side door. I'm trying to be philosophical about it and convince myself that it's simply a reminder not to cling too tightly to wordly possessions. I'll let you know how that goes. Grrr.
What is the world coming to you cant park anywhere safley these days I just hope that you know who it was unlike me.
I reversed into a tree the other day there goes another £150 ($282.99) for replairs (and it was only the light that needs fixing). Its still cheaper that the £310 ($585)
Nope. The jerk drove off without identifying him/herself. There is a warm corner of hell prepared for such monsters.
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