Thursday, August 28, 2008

B/IPod: 8.28.2008

We had a little surprise this evening when we went to visit the girls--no more isolettes! Apparently this means that they are doing well enough on their own regulating their body temperatures that they can be out in the open air. This is an important hurdle before they can go home. And it means it's easier to see their lovely little faces.Inga
Here are mommy and Graham visiting Inga by her new "crib." They call it a crib, but I think it looks more like a Rubbermaid storage bin.


KRM said...

The girls look so great!! I think of you guys often!! Kiss those little ones for me and give Graham a big hug from all of us in MN :) Kathy

Scott and Emily: said...

It's a step in the right direction! Yay. They are beautiful little ones--so glad to get to see their faces a bit more!