Saturday, November 12, 2005

Ideas for Christmas

Some of you have been asking about ideas for Christmas shopping this year. (You know who you are.) Although socks and neckties are always appreciated, there's a volume up for auction on eBay that would really make the perfect gift: a 1493 edition of Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologiae. That's right--these volumes were printed but one year after Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Now, I'm sure you can imagine that there aren't a lot of copies of this edition just lying around. Which is why the current price of $2,142.00 is really a bargain. Of course, there are seven days left on the auction, so I understand if the price might move up out of a would-be benefactor's comfort level. But just think of the grace and dignity these volumes would add to my bookshelf--not to mention that delightful mustiness that always emmanates from old books. If anyone were to get these books for me for Christmas, I would show my gratitude by permanently posting a picture of the generous soul on the right-hand column of this very blog. And I'd even add a golden halo to the photo.


Rachel said...

I wish you better luck than I had finding a benefactor to support your bibliolongings ... no one took me up on my blogged plea for an expensive rare book, even in exchange for my eternal affection. Maybe I should have tried the halo thing.

How did you find this auction?

Anonymous said...

I was actually wondering the same thing... do you just search random authors on ebay and hope that a book from the 15th century just happens to pop up? If that's the case, you have too much time on your hands (which I know isn't true). I'm assuming you learned about this book from one of your prof's?
~Aaron :)

David and Sarah said...

No, actually I've been on the lookout for a more recent edition of the Summa, so I do an ebay search periodically. This time, a very old edition popped up, and my heart skipped a beat. But even so, it doesn't take long to find such things these days...